Browsing by Author "K, Anastasia Prima"

Browsing by Author "K, Anastasia Prima"

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  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Suriya, Cynthia; Mulyanto, Tisadona; K, Anastasia Prima (Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Program Studi Kimia Universitas Islam lndonesia, 2013)
    Rosella is one of a plant in Indonesia that usually used as a beverage with refreshing sour taste. This beverage is made from rosella petal and red coloured. The red color in the rosella sourced from ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; K, Anastasia Prima; Mulyantoa, Tisadona; Suriyaa, Cynthia (ICCE Unpar, 2013)
    Rosella is one of the plant in Indonesia that can be used as natural dyes. The red color in the rosella sourced from the anthocyanin in the petal of the flower. The anthocyanin in the rosella consists of cyanidin-3-sambubioside, ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Steven, Jevfry; Catherine; K, Anastasia Prima (Agricultural Technology Faculty - Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, 2011)
    Mangosteen skin can be used as natural coloration because it contains anthosianin pigment as cyanidin-3-sophoroside, and cyanidin-3-glucoside with red color at certain PH. The purposes of this research were to know on ...
  • Arlene, Ariestya; K, Anastasia Prima; Lukas, Willy (Jurusan Teknik Kimia Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, 2013)
    Ubi jalar ungu merupakan sumber daya alam Indonesia yag kaya akan karbohidrat namun memiliki kandungan protein dan lemak yang rendah. Ubi jalar ungu memiliki nilai tambah karena mengandung zat warna ungu yang di dalamnya ...
  • Arlene, Ariestya; Jayanti, Agnesia Dwi; K, Anastasia Prima (Program Studi Teknik Kimia UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, 2013)
    Penggunaan ubi jalar ungu sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan mie merupakan salah satu diversifikasi pangan. Produk ini diharapkan dapat dikonsumsi oleh orang-orang yang menghindari protein dan lemak yang tinggi. Tujuan ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Suriya, Cynthia; Mulyanto, Tisadona; K, Anastasia Prima (Agricultural Technology Faculty Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, 2011)
    The increasing use of natural dyes in food industry encouraged to find new alternative food coloring. Rosella is one of the sources of natural dyes. Rosella also has a lot of benefits and is also widely cultivated and sold ...



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