The rapid growth Micro-Small-Medium Enterprises that are engaged in food sector has creates competitions among each MSME in order to be the superior in the industry. MSMEs under the supervision of Bandung City Chamber of Industry have high selling transaction trough online channel and gift shop consignation. This can be a challenge for MSME to attract buyers by product’s packaging. This paper is made based on community services activity which was carried out in food engaging MSMEs which are member of Bandung City Chamber of Industry. By the result of evaluation, it was found that only 30% of MSMEs have not following good food packaging standards based on design, safety, and material aspec. This evaluation result is used to design a development method for Bandung City Chamber of Industry in designing process of its supervisee MSMEs. Mentoring and participatory design are proposed as a fit development method to improve the product’s packaging.
Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (SENDIMAS 2018) "Peningkatan dan Pemberdayaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat yang Inovatif". Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana (UKRIDA). Jakarta, Indonesia, 12-13 Oktober 2018.