Development of the construction industry car not be separated from the participation of the construction companies in development of Indonesia which is determined by the resources involved in it. In an earlier study also said that the worker internal factors gave influence on the level of the total productivity of work which can cause delays in completion of work, decreasing the quality of work swelling the cost of work, and increasing accidents. From the explanation above an interesting thing to be analyzed further is ranking of the project successfully indicators that influenced by site manager internal factors that implementing simple building construction project owned by the government. The research was conducted by collecting 21 site manager respondents on a simple building construction project owned by the government of Payakumbuh city that implemented in 2009 and 2010. Analysis and discussion in this research was obtained from the project successfully indicator rank revealed that
the cost of project implementation is the most dominant factor that influenced by site manager internal factors. Site manager is expected to develop the potential of internal factors to improve the total productivity that would make better contribution on the success of the project in the aspect of work quality, project implementation time, and ensure a better safety.
Makalah dipresentasikan pada The 3rd International Conference on Construction Industry 2012 "Governance and Best Practice towards Growth of Sustainable Construction. Universitas Bung Hatta dan Universitas Teknologi Malaysia. Padang, Indonesia, April 10-11th 2012.