Rainfall frequency analysis using generalized extreme value case study Upper Citarum River Basin

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dc.contributor.advisor Riyanto, Bambang Adi
dc.contributor.author Senjaya, Theo
dc.date.accessioned 2018-09-03T07:51:22Z
dc.date.available 2018-09-03T07:51:22Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.other skp36114
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/6759
dc.description 6282 - FTS en_US
dc.description.abstract Design storm analysis has a significant influence for flood discharge analysis. Design strom derived from historical rainfall data with statistical approach using probability distributions. Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) probability distribution is a distribution which generalizes extreme value theorem type 1, 2, and 3. Generalized Extreme Value Distribution have 3 parameters, shape parameter k, scale parameter a, and location parameter ?, which influence design storm analysis result. To know the influence of those three parameters and the effect of using GEV in Design storm analysis compared to other probability distributions, then Upper Citarum River Basin is used as a case study. Sensitivity analysis for all three GEV parameters show that the shape parameter gives the most significant influence for design storm analysis. The lower shape parameters value is, the greater frequency analysis result will increase exponentially. Rainfall-runoff model result with design storm calculated using GEV is compared with the result using Pearson III and Gumbel for design storm. From these models it was found that the flood discharge generated from design storm calculated using GEV is greater than that of Pearson III and lower than Gumbel. Flood discharge from Upper Citarum River Basin using GEV design storm give exponentially increasing discharge value proportional to its return period. Design storm increase caused by GEV design storm usage for 50 year, 1000 year, 500 year, 1000 year return periods are 2.76%, 3.87%, 6.80%, dan 8.25%, which caused 4.19%, 5.89%, 10.6%, 12.95% increase in flood discharge, respectively en_US
dc.publisher Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik - UNPAR en_US
dc.subject Frequency analysis en_US
dc.subject generalized extreme value en_US
dc.subject Upper Citarum en_US
dc.subject design storm analysis en_US
dc.title Rainfall frequency analysis using generalized extreme value case study Upper Citarum River Basin en_US
dc.type Undergraduate Theses en_US
dc.identifier.nim/npm NPM2014410119
dc.identifier.nidn/nidk NIDN0009025502
dc.identifier.kodeprodi KODEPRODI610#Teknik Sipil

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