Ireland and Great Britain Cooperation on sustainable energy electricity : comprehending the establishment of Greenlink interconnector

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dc.contributor.advisor Pakpahan, Aknolt Kristian Pramudita, Ancilla 2018-07-11T01:44:14Z 2018-07-11T01:44:14Z 2017
dc.identifier.other skp35898
dc.description 8165 - FISIP en_US
dc.description.abstract This particular research discusses regarding the project of Greenlink interconnector, a renewable electricity interconnector that will run between Ireland and United Kingdom. Previously, the alike agreement ‘Greenwire’ has been shelved due to incompatibility of policy between states but they came back stronger to its present form with policy adjustment. The basic premises of the agreement came from the unrenewable resources and climate change challenges need to be faced by both actors. Electricity is indeed crucial in every aspect of human lives set forth daily activities to economic growth. Therefore, necessary measures need to be taken to avoid unwanted consequences of running out of the energy reserve including cooperation through trade. The author will come with a research question of what is the background explained between Ireland and United Kingdom to finally come around with this agreement. In order to respond to the research question, the author would analyze based on the concept of national interest which believes that every policy coming from the state will be derived on issues that needs to be dealt with. Theory of liberal pluralism also believes that international relations does not revolve only on state but believes in the participation of other entities aside from state that take part in international relations especially in a form of cooperation. The findings explain that the homogeneity and common fate faced by state would better lead to cooperation. The economic interest also takes part as states’ motivation, with supports from European Union and Element Power this project stands in its present form. The discovery will carry the nuance of green economy, where Greenlink provide the needs of environment, social, and economic; all treated in one system. en_US
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik - UNPAR en_US
dc.subject Sustainable Energy Electricity en_US
dc.subject Green Economy en_US
dc.subject Energy Trade en_US
dc.subject Energy Security en_US
dc.subject European Union en_US
dc.subject Ireland en_US
dc.subject United Kingdom en_US
dc.title Ireland and Great Britain Cooperation on sustainable energy electricity : comprehending the establishment of Greenlink interconnector en_US
dc.type Undergraduate Theses en_US
dc.identifier.nim/npm NPM2013330134
dc.identifier.nidn/nidk NIDN0421047502
dc.identifier.kodeprodi KODEPRODI609#Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

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