Fashion involvement is generally a high involvement, marked by a decision that requires a lot of consideration, for example in terms of functionality, motives, model, color, comfort, brand, compliance with the trend, price, especially for the traditional Indonesian fashion fabric, such as kain tenun songket Palembang. The purpose of this research is to understand deeply about kain tenun songket Palembang consumer profiles and determinants that affects consumer involvement.
5 involvement antecendents (materialism, ethnic identity, consumer inovativeness, reference group, product functionality), 3 involvement (promotion involvement, product involvement, purchase decisions involvement) are studied in this research. 329 respondents were being sampled in this study. SEM with WARP-PLS were used in data processing.
The result for consumer profile is that female have greater in amount than male for respondents , the respondent are not likely descendant of Palembang, ages varied. Respondents in this study concerned with their appearance. They all have kain tenun Palembang, averagely the have 3 pieces of cloth, with a price range Rp.1.000.000-Rp.3.000.000. Consumer perceptions of materialism is positive, positive for ethnic identity, may be positive may be negative for consumer inovativeness, may be positive may be negative for reference group, and may be positive may be negative for product functionality. The ultimate antecendent for promotion involvement is reference group despite of the negative coefficient path-values. The ultimate antecendent for product involvement is ethnic identity and for purchase decision involvement is reference group.
Makalah dipresentasikan pada The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences 2016 (ICARBSS 2016). Panoply Consultancy. Bali, Indonesia, 7-8 September 2016.