Industries have continuously up-dated their technology in order to catch up with the
ever competing world. Meanwhile, they also make efforts to enable their employees to
use the technology in enhancing the achievement o f the organizational goals and
decrease the workplace accident (WA). The objective o f this research generally is to
study the effect o f the implementation o f participatory ergonomics in the transfer o f
technology in order to achieve o f the organizational goals and decrease the workplace
accident (WA) and also its implications in manufacturing industries. Specifically, this
research is aimed at characterizing the roles ofparticipatory ergonomics in terms o f the
following elements: participation, organization, ergonomics methods and tools, and job
design concept. The observed corelation involves, partially and simulateously, the
elements o f PE towards those o f WA. The elements o f WA consist o f reduction in the
workplace accidents, the savings associated with this reduction in accidents, increase in
productivity, reduction in material losses, and improvement o f the industrial relations
environment. The methods used in this research cover: (1) the sample collection which
involves 50 companies in Bandung; (2) designing a model o f interaction o f the P E ’s
four elements with those o f workplace accidents. The research has come up with five
classifications (1) High PE and High WA comprising 10 companies; (2) High PE and
Medium WA with 18 companies; (3) Medium PE and low WA with 5 companies; (4)
medium PE and medium WA with 9 companies and (5) poor PE and medium WA with
36 companies. The results o f this research show that in reducing WA and its
implications were attributed to firstly the organization elements, secondly the
knowledge and equipment as well as ergonomics tool, thirdly the concept design, and
finally the participation.
Makalah dipresentasikan pada Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIII "Gelombang Baru Digitalpreneurship Untuk Menunjang Peningkatan Daya Saing Bangsa". Progran Studi Magister Manajemen Teknologi ITS. Surabaya, 5 Februari 2010.