The implementation of Green Architecture concept to residential areas aints to achieve comfort and
well-being of its residence, and also to maintain balanced interaction with environmental conditions, as
to be categofized as low-carbon housing. Jakarta's Tanah reduh residential area was designed by a
group ofarchitects who have green and ecological design mindset, which as best as possible honors and
preserves existing environmental conditions. The objective ofthis study is to assess the green level of
Tanah reduh residential area. The assessment is performed by using simplified LEED riting system for
Neighborhood Development, focused on three main themes i.e Location and surroundings (wlere to
Build), Area Planning and Design Pattem (What to Build), and Area Management System (How to
Manage Environmental Impact).From analysis it is found that the design ofthis area follows green
design principles, with emphasis on how to maximally preserve existing naturai features such as trees,
contour, marsh (converted to [ake), water reservoir, etc. This is achieved by buildingjust 2l housings
on 1.9 hectare land. This area implements eco-friendly management system, some example being
alleviating rain-water run-off, minimizing heat island effect, waste water treatment (as lake wate;),
minimizing air poltution, organic waste composting, and energy efficiency by using timer for road
lights, and creating deep wells (other than PDAM). on the other hand, even after all those efforts the
implementation ofgreen aspects has not achieyed even halfofthe total points, and none ofrequired
points for determining green level ofan area.