The QAnon conspiracy theory is a theory that embodies deliberate
disinformation through their campaigns, spreading hate speech and false
narratives against the global government. It is known that the beliefs of
QAnon adherents are against the values of the UN that upholds the act of
non-discrimination and condemns extremism, posing a concern if seen
through an international scope. This concern raises the question of what kind
of values has the QAnon violated from the UN. Conspiracy based theories
are not a thing of yesterday when it comes to world politics, and this calls for
the conceptualization of conspiracy theory within foreign policy. Through
this study, it explains how the QAnon conspiracy is used as part of power
relations and how conspiracy theories motivate the production of foreign
policy knowledge. QAnon particularly targets the Jewish community,
meaning that they have anti-semitic characteristics. Through disinformation,
QAnon fuels the extremist ideology, violating the policies of the UN by
targeting religious identities, and deliberately spreading false information
regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, which could pose a threat for public
health measures.