Resistant starch (RS) is a functional food regarded as prebiotic beneficial to human
health. ~3 is specifically a type of RS synthesised from retrograded starch. In this
research, a preliminary study has been conducted to explore the potentiality of
producing ~3 from starchy banana flour of Indonesian variety (pisang ambon). In
particular, the effect of several process parameters on the RS content and functional
properties of the products has been investigated. Synthesis of RS-3 was carried out
using 1-5 cycles of subsequent autoclaving (121 °C, 15 psi, 15 minutes) and cooling (4
0C, 24 hours) processes, after initial pregelatinisation of starch flour suspension
(20'Ya-wlv, at 70°C and 20 minutes). The resulting gelatinous mass was subsequently
dried, pulverised and sieved to obtain fine RS-3 powder. The experimental result
shows that RS content of the products (13.98'Ya-18.35%) was significantly higher
compared to banana flour (4.57%). Solubility of RS-3 products was significantly
higher, while their swelling power was slightly lower than banana flour. The result
suggests that autoclaving-cooling process is a promising method to improve RS
content and functional properties of banana flour.
Makalah dipresentasikan pada The 2nd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering. Lombok, Indonesia, 9-11 Agustus 2016. p. 1-5.