Since the end of the New Order government, terrorism has become the most serious issue in Indonesia. Several bomb explosions since the fall of New Order government in 1998 until the Jakarta bomb in 2009, demonstrated that terrorism is a continuous threat. Media reports of previous terrorist attacks suggested that some terrorists are from the province of West Java, the region that becomes the center of DI/TII resurgence movement dated back in 1949. The main actors of both AI-Jamaah al-lslamiyah or the Jamaah lslamiyah (JI) and the DI/TII were having strong relationship. The two organizations also shared similar aims to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia, and in a bigger sphere. An Islamic caliphate in Southeast Asia. The research aims to analyze historical factors to the existence of Jl, its current organizational structure and leadership. The paper will answer questions of "How is Jl organization
structure and network? And "How the Jl justified their terrorist and other violent actions?"