One of the most common methods to preserve consumers’
private data is using secure in-network data aggregation.
The security can be provided through the emerging fully (FHE)
or partial (PHE) homomorphic encryption techniques. However,
an FHE aggregation scheme generates significantly big-size data
when compared to traditional encryption methods. The overhead
is compounded in hierarchical networks such as Smart Grid
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) as data packets are
routed towards the core of the AMI networking infrastructure
from the smart meters. In this paper, we first investigate the
feasibility and performance of FHE aggregation in AMI networks
utilizing the reliable data transport protocol, TCP. Then,
we introduce the packet reassembly problem. To address this
challenge, we propose a novel packet reassembly mechanism for
TCP. We evaluated the effectiveness of our proposed mechanism
using both PHE and FHE-based aggregation approaches in AMI
in terms throughput and end-to-end delay on an 802.11s-based
wireless mesh network by using the ns-3 network simulator. The
results indicate significant gains in terms of delay and bandwidth
usage with the proposed mechanism.