GEM has developed entrepreneurship model as a driver of economic development, such as job creation or national competitiveness. In the GEM model, entrepreneurship is observed in term of attitude and activity. In the model, it is also defined a framework conditions which are needed to nurture entrepreneurship activity. The government has to identify appropriately a number of areas for improving the business framework conditions (ecosystem), including physical and investment infrastructure, education, and transfer technology.
The attitude and activity were measured through adult population survey (APS). The APS is a national wide survey with targeted the adult of age 18-64. Meanwhile the framework conditions to foster entrepreneurship were observed by conducting an expert survey. The national expert survey was conducted by selecting expert from 9 framework conditions.
This paper aims to explore and describe an entrepreneurial profile during 2013 – 2015 based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor model. The paper also give an output a set of priority in fostering entrepreneurship activity through its ecosystem. The outcome is to give a significant awareness for all stake holder in entrepreneurship development in Indonesia.
Makalah dipresentasikan pada ICEBUSS International Conference on Economics, Business, and Social Sciences. Universitas Islam Malang and International Center for Banking and Corporate Governance Ukrainian Academy of Banking. Malang, 6 - 7 Desember 2016.