Abstract. Modular product is defined as product consists of detachable modules, which can be manufactured,
assembled, and serviced separately. Modularization components of a product into modules can be done based
on several criteria. Design for Remanufacturing (DFR) and Design for Disassembly (DFdA) criteria is being
used in this research. The DFR criteria are related to the stages of remanufacturing a product when it has
reached its end of life cycle. The first stage of remanufacturing is disassembly. Therefore, the DFdA criteria,
which is related to the easiness of product disassembly is also being used.
The object of this study is Panasonic KX – T2315 telephone. Modularization process is carried out by
identifying the values of the relationship between each part of product based on the DFR and DFdA criteria.
These values are structured into an interaction matrix and then will be grouped into modules using two
clustering method, Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm and Quadratic Programming Model respectively.
For both clustering method, the recommended number of modules are 5 modules. Those modules consist of
grouped components that perform certain functions and objectives. The clustering result from both clustering
method was compared, and the best result was chosen to be the final module recommendation.
Keywords: Design for Remanufacturing (DFR), Design for Disassembly (DfdA), product modularization
Makalah dipresentasikan pada The 7th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference & the 9th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research. Bangkok, Thailand, 17-20 December 2005. p.679-684