CNC machines are now becoming populair in manufacturing sector in the last two decades. It still costs alot of money to afford all aspects related to the operation of these machines. One important aspect is the programming stage where this activity requires a skillful programmer and an appropriate programming media. To hire a good programmer is not cheap solution and having a programming media is also not affordable for SME in Indonesia. This research is focusing on the design and development of a kind of program checker (soft ware) to see whether the program for a CNC milling machine is correct and ready to be fed to the machine. At once, this program is also capable of showing a simulation how the product to be cut in the machine. Therefore this program will help a small manufacturing company to avoid hiring an expensive expertise and buying a special programming media. This program is spesifically developed for a CNC milling machine. Some results show that the program can easly point out error location if there is a logical or syntax error. Moreover, the simulation can be executed only if all errors have been corrected.