Classical guitar is one type of guitar that is widely known. Many great classical music
was born from professional musicians who use the classical guitar as the main
instrument. Beside professionals in the world of music, classical guitar has also been
commonly heard and used by the amateur. Though it may only be used to express
hobby, still it will be proof that the classical guitar has become a widely known musical
instrument. Not only popular among professionals, but also by the amateur.
One of the things that need to be concerned more is the difference between classical
guitar playing technique and other type of guitar. Classical guitar is generally played by
picking the strings and should be supported with good body position and balance. There
is one tool called foot-stool which is often used for guitar users to play classical guitar with
a more balanced and comfort position. However, the actual use of the foot-stool is still
cause problems. Based on the interview, there are some users who complained about the
emergence of pain in the back and ankle after using the foot-stool in a long duration.
Nevertheless, foot-stool is still used widely because this is the only classical guitar playing
tool which is sold directly in Indonesia.
There is another type of classical guitar playing tool called guitar support. There is
no manufacturer in Indonesia that designs and manufactures this equipment. The
expensive import cost causes guitar support to be less attracted in Indonesia. In fact, this
tool is able to provide extra comfort for users of the classical guitar. This can be seen as a
good business opportunity. This research was conducted to determine whether the guitar
support sales business is feasible, based on market and marketing aspect, technical
aspect and financial aspect.
Guitar support sales business show indeed a promising future. Market interests for
this product is high enough. Identified consumer needs can be accommodated through
modifications in guitar support design. The technical requirements to produce the guitar
support in accordance with the desired design can also be fulfilled properly. Profit that
can be gained from sales per unit is able to achieve over 100% approximately. In
addition, business risk is also relatively small due to the implementation of this business
does not require huge investment cost. All these things make the business of selling
guitar support is feasible to be implemented based on market and marketing aspect,
technical aspect and financial aspect.