Studi kelayakan pendirian bisnis perkebunan kayu sengon di Kabupaten Magelang

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dc.contributor.advisor Santoso, Churiah Agustini Guna, Ari 2018-02-08T06:32:45Z 2018-02-08T06:32:45Z 2011
dc.identifier.other 6106112
dc.description 3202 - FTI en_US
dc.description.abstract Wood is one natural resource that is needed by humans. Wood is used in various fields of human life, ranging from household goods, to industrial purposes. Teak wood is the most popular type of wood, but Teak wood has a very long harvest age. Increased demand for industrial Teak wood, causing the need to look for an alternative timber that can replace the teak wood. One timber can be used as an alternative is Sengon wood. One timber can be used as an alternative is wood Sengon. Sengon wood have the ability to be able to be processed into various product. And that’s make most of wood-based industy interest in Sengon wood. Magelang district consists of several sub-district where the population lived as a farmer. Nowadays, farmers often lose money because the uncertainty of the crops selling prices. This problem could be solved by the replacement of plant species, one alternative species is Sengon tree. This is the basic, needed to do a feasibility study of Sengon plantation business, which includes legal and environmental aspects, market and marketing aspects, technical and technological aspects, human resources aspects and financial aspects. Establishment of Sengon plantations, give a positive impact on the environment. Sengon timber market is still very broad and based on the calculation of the financial aspect, Sengon plantations gives BCR pessimistic calculation of 14.76 with a payback period 3.56 years, profitablility index of 1476% and a positive net present value with the IRR of 100.55 %. The study and analysis of all aspects studied, providing results that Sengon plantations established feasible in Magelang district, with the best location in the Bandongan sub-district. en_US
dc.language.iso Indonesia en_US
dc.publisher Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri - UNPAR en_US
dc.subject Sengon wood en_US
dc.subject feasibility study en_US
dc.subject BCR en_US
dc.subject profitability index en_US
dc.subject payback period en_US
dc.subject IRR en_US
dc.title Studi kelayakan pendirian bisnis perkebunan kayu sengon di Kabupaten Magelang en_US
dc.type Unpublished Student Papers en_US

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