Pengaruh experiential marketing di UNPAR terhadap niat opinion leader melakukan word of mouth kepada siswa SMU

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dc.contributor.advisor Wardhono, V.J. Wisnu Prabawanti, Benedicta Evienia 2017-07-13T07:31:13Z 2017-07-13T07:31:13Z 2010
dc.identifier.other tes921
dc.description.abstract Experience is one of the strategies that may be made to create consumers’ perception. Experiential marketing that was sparked by Bernd H. Schmitt is an effort in packaging product which gives emotional experience to consumers when they consume their needed products so it can make the impressed long-lasting memory. The experience that touches consumers’ emotion will affect consumers’ perception. This perception will create an attitude and the attitude will form an act. The consumers’ satisfaction is one of attitudes that supports words of mouth. Based on the situation, the writer does the research about experiential marketing that is applied by Parahyangan Catholics University and the influence on lthe will of leader opinion in doing words of mouth to senior high school students. In creating positive experience in co-creation experience universities can develop Experience Environment, Personalized Experience and Experience Network. The method of research that is used is descriptive study of the happening fenomena. The writer does preliminary research to 7 respondens through FGD to know senior high school students’ opinions about Unpar. The second preliminary research is done to senior high school teachers as opinion leader to know what they think it important for universities to suggest for senior high school students. The samplers are 77 people. The collected data through questionare and observation are analyzed descriptively and hypothesis test. The analysis opinion of responden of experiential marketing and word of mouth is analyzed using the average of count and pearson correlation. Meanwhile the influence of analysis from experiential marketing to the will in doing word of mouth uses double linear regretion analysis. The result of research shows that Experience Environment that is felt with Unpar favorable (suitable with positive statement) this thing is shown by total the average of count as 3,67. For Personalized Experience variable gives the average as 3,96 that means almost all respondens state indifirent with the statement in personalized experience. Experience Network variable provides the result the average of count 3,86 that shows to the responden relation or international co-operation with overseas universities is an important thing. On Experience Environment the result states significantly as parsial to word of mouth that is shown by point p-value count 0.331 smaller than a (alpha 0.35). For Personalized Experience variable the result states significantly as parsial to word of mouth shown by point p-value count 0.077 smaller than a (alpha 0.35). Meanwhile Experience Network variable the result is significantly to word of mouth shown by point t count 0.949 smaller than a (alpha 0.35). Based on the above result, the writer suggests that UNPAR should create experiential marketing more especially experiential network and pay attention more to the environment as well as individuals as one of services to increase positive word of mouth on UNPAR. en_US
dc.publisher Program Pascasarjana Magister Manajemen Universitas Katolik Parahyangan en_US
dc.title Pengaruh experiential marketing di UNPAR terhadap niat opinion leader melakukan word of mouth kepada siswa SMU en_US
dc.type Master Theses en_US

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