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International Conference: Recent submissions

  • Saputro, Nico (IEEE, 2023)
    In recent years, a new proactive defense approach called Moving Target Defense (MTD), which strives to change the asymmetrical condition between the defender and adversaries due to the static nature of the system, has ...
  • Tonyali, Samet; Saputro, Nico; Akkaya, Kemal; Uluagac, Selcuk (2016, 2016)
    One of the most common methods to preserve consumers’ private data is using secure in-network data aggregation. The security can be provided through the emerging fully (FHE) or partial (PHE) homomorphic encryption ...
  • Saputro, Nico; Akkaya, Kemal; Yurekli, Ali I. (IEEE, 2015)
    Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) applications for Smart Grid (SG) typically employ wireless mesh based data collection approaches that collect smart meter data via multi-hop routing. One of the mesh-based solutions ...
  • Akkaya, Kemal; Koohifar, Farshad; Saputro, Nico; Guvenc, Ismail (IEEE, 2015)
    The 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology and its evolutions are promising candidate technologies to support smart meter communications. However, smart meter traffic is uplink heavy and needs large number of ...
  • Tonyal, Samet; Saputro, Nico; Akkaya, Kemal (2015, 2015)
    Despite the potential benefits of smart meters as part of the Smart Grid initiative, the deployment of smart meters has aroused several concerns on consumer privacy. To address such concerns, various solutions are ...
  • Saputro, Nico; Akkaya, Kemal (IEEE, 2014)
    IEEE 802.11s-based wireless mesh networks are one of the options to implement Neighborhood Area Networks (NANs) in Smart Grid (SG). Typically, TCP is used along with 802.11s to provide reliability when collecting ...
  • Kristijarti, Anastasia Prima; Anglelyn, Cathelya; Nugroho, Astri Puspaningrum; Arlene, Ariestya (Udayana University Press, 2011)
    Synthetic food colorings are cheap and they are more stable to environmental changes than natural colorings. Some of these synthetic colorings, however, have been proved to be harmful to human health, and their presence ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Steven, Jevfry; Catherine; K, Anastasia Prima (Agricultural Technology Faculty - Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, 2011)
    Mangosteen skin can be used as natural coloration because it contains anthosianin pigment as cyanidin-3-sophoroside, and cyanidin-3-glucoside with red color at certain PH. The purposes of this research were to know on ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Suriya, Cynthia; Mulyanto, Tisadona; K, Anastasia Prima (Agricultural Technology Faculty Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, 2011)
    The increasing use of natural dyes in food industry encouraged to find new alternative food coloring. Rosella is one of the sources of natural dyes. Rosella also has a lot of benefits and is also widely cultivated and sold ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Suriya, Cynthia; Mulyanto, Tisadona; K, Anastasia Prima (Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Program Studi Kimia Universitas Islam lndonesia, 2013)
    Rosella is one of a plant in Indonesia that usually used as a beverage with refreshing sour taste. This beverage is made from rosella petal and red coloured. The red color in the rosella sourced from ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; K, Anastasia Prima; Mulyantoa, Tisadona; Suriyaa, Cynthia (ICCE Unpar, 2013)
    Rosella is one of the plant in Indonesia that can be used as natural dyes. The red color in the rosella sourced from the anthocyanin in the petal of the flower. The anthocyanin in the rosella consists of cyanidin-3-sambubioside, ...
  • Setiadi, S; Dwikardana, Sapta (Economics Faculty Parahyangan Catholic University and Politeknik APP Jakarta (Ministry of Industry), 2018)
    At present, competition in the music education business in Indonesia, especially Bandung, can be categorized as a hyper-competition condition characterized by competition that has gone crazy. The competitive advantages ...
  • Suharto, R.A.P.N.; Dwikardana, Sapta; Novieningtyas, A (Economics Faculty Parahyangan Catholic University and Politeknik APP Jakarta (Ministry of Industry), 2018)
    This study was aimed 10 examine the relationship of job satisfaction with the performance of field employees of PT. Trisna Naga Asih. The research was conducted to determine the extent of relationship between job satisfaction ...
  • Penders, Arno; Octavia, Johanna Renny; Wyffels, Francis; McAtear, Anthony; Nop, Samnang; Devoogdt, Thomas; Haan, Fay de; Caron, Michiel; Verstockt, Steven (IEEE, 2018)
    It is widely accepted that having houseplants offers a wide range of benefits for human’s physical and psychological health. Yet a lot of people have few or no plants in their house and many are hesitant to buy ...
  • Frederiks, Aduen Darriba; Octavia, Johanna Renny; Saldien, Jelle; Vandevelde, Cesar (International Federation for Information Processing, 2019)
    With an increase in research and development of social robotics and commercial robots entering the market, there is a need for design tools that enable non-experts to design, build and use customized social robots. Human ...
  • Joundi, Jamil; Penders, Arno; Saldien, Jelle; Octavian, Johanna Renny (Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2019)
    One key concept of Tangible User Interaction is interactive surfaces, in which we transform a surface into an active interface between the physical and virtual world. In this paper we describe the design process of a novel ...
  • Penders, Arno; Octavia, Johanna Renny; Lefevre, Stefan; Browaeys, Hannes; Lauwers, Giles; Onsem, Matthias Van; Saldien, Jelle; Verstockt, Steven (IEEE, 2018)
    Knee arthroplasty is a surgical procedure that replaces severely arthritic or damaged knee joints. After undergoing this commonly performed procedure, there are still some patients who never fully recover. One of the reasons ...
  • Tesavrita, Ceicalia; Suryadi, Dedy; Yehom (2011 IESS, 2011)
    According to data obtained from the Indonesian Motorcycle Industry Association (AISI), sales of Honda motorcycles is the greatest in the first half of 2010. Honda motors provide service called AHASS (Honda Authorized ...
  • Tesavrita, Ceicalia; Suryadi, Kadarsah (2006)
    This research, proposes a model of decision support system for product quality development in idea generation phase. This model will use two forms of knowledge, tacit knowledge is gathered from expert opinions and explicit ...
  • Tesavrita, Ceicalia; Suryadi, Kadarsah (Department of Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indoensia and Department of Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indoensia, 2008)
    Nowadays, knowledge is one of many assets that influence the organization’s growth. Knowledge, that can be classified as tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge, usually can be found in employee, process, system, document, ...
  • Suryadi, Dedy; Tesavrita, Ceicalia; Darmawan, Agus (2011 IESS, 2011)
    University website is one of the main sources for prospective international students to gain information at the preliminary stage before deciding to study abroad. This research aims to cluster university websites –specifically ...
  • Tesavrita, Ceicalia; Suryadi, Dedy; Devina, Debora (Institute for Research and Community Service Petra Christian University Surabaya, Indonesia, 2013)
    Nowadays, people have some standard in choosing restaurant. Not only based on the quality of the food, but also on quality of its services. Restaurant that does not meet that standard, will have unsatisfied customer and ...
  • Yogasara, Thedy; Citra, Winna (VNU-HCMC PRESS, 2015)
    Physical form and appearance of products are essential and they serve as visceral stimuli for consumers in considering and making a decision to purchase the products. Attractive product design, therefore, is required to ...
  • Yogasara, Thedy; Hermanto, Yutta Verena (IEEE, 2014)
    Microwave oven is one of everyday products with many types and brands offering similar functionalities and capabilities. These similarities create tough competition, and in this case, product usability and users’ emotional ...
  • Yogasara, Thedy; Popovic, Vesna; Kraal, Ben; Chamorro-Koc, Marianella (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2012)
    Positive user experience (UX) has become a key factor in designing interactive products. It acts as a differentiator which can determine a product’s success on the mature market. However, current UX frameworks and methods ...


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