Browsing by Subject "YIELD"

Browsing by Subject "YIELD"

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  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Steven, Jevfry; Catherine; K, Anastasia Prima (Agricultural Technology Faculty - Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, 2011)
    Mangosteen skin can be used as natural coloration because it contains anthosianin pigment as cyanidin-3-sophoroside, and cyanidin-3-glucoside with red color at certain PH. The purposes of this research were to know on ...
  • Kristijarti, Ariastasia Prima; Arbita, Ariestya Arlene; Arnesya, Rheina; Rizki, Kania (Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Jurusan Teknik Kimia,Fakultas Teknik, Pusat Studi Ilmu Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2012)
    Dyes are usually used in foods, drinks, textile, cosmetics, household tools and any other things. The use of these dyes are required to produce various products and to add artistic value of products. Problems occur when ...
  • A, Ariestya Arlene; Suriya, Cynthia; Mulyanto, Tisadona; K, Anastasia Prima (Agricultural Technology Faculty Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, 2011)
    The increasing use of natural dyes in food industry encouraged to find new alternative food coloring. Rosella is one of the sources of natural dyes. Rosella also has a lot of benefits and is also widely cultivated and sold ...



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